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Our blog is updated monthly with mental health-related posts written by CCRC therapists. If you have a topic or question you’d be interested in reading about, let us know!
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Jan 14, 2019
Therapist Spotlight: Nosheen Hydari, LMFT
CCRC is proud to periodically spotlight one of our staff therapists so as to give you a chance to get to know their unique qualities and...

Matthew Bell
Dec 10, 2018
Solace Emptying
The piercing light awakening the body evokes a sense of solace. Rolling over to view the time, however, brings a sense of panic and...
Taylor Ariel Pettway
Nov 14, 2018
Silent Night: Grieving During the Holidays
There is so much of life’s experience wrapped up in the acts of living, loving, and losing the ones you love. This is no more poignant...

Taylor Ariel Pettway
Nov 14, 2018
Silent Night: Grieving During the Holidays
There is so much of life’s experience wrapped up in the acts of living, loving, and losing the ones you love. This is no more poignant...

Oct 12, 2018
Therapist Spotlight: Matthew Bell
CCRC is proud to periodically spotlight one of our staff therapists so as to give you a chance to get to know their unique qualities and...

Josh Hetherington, LMFT
Sep 21, 2018
Here’s What You Need to Know About Fortnite
Do you live with a 7-18 year old? If so, I’m guessing you’re aware of a videogame called Fortnite. It’s gained a lot of popularity over...

Aug 30, 2018
Therapist Spotlight: Taylor Pettway, AMFT
CCRC is proud to periodically spotlight one of our staff therapists so as to give you a chance to get to know their unique qualities and...

Gabe Seldess, LMFT
Aug 6, 2018
Can't Agree? Try This.
Over a short period of time couples can discover whether they share similar values, experiences, and overall hopes for the future. ...

Shira Galston, LMFT
Jul 4, 2018
Is Independence Ruining Your Relationship? Perhaps.
We tend to celebrate independence; countries are proud of it, teenagers crave it, adults believe it implies maturity and success. Within...

Grace Norberg, LMFT
Jun 27, 2018
Pre-Hotline Suicide Prevention
With the recent tragic deaths by suicide of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain, the topic of suicide has been trending on social media. This...

Richard Park, AMFT
Jun 4, 2018
Free Falling: Working with survivors of trauma
I've had the privilege of working with several of my clients and their families for nearly a year, and we have recently been on the cusp...

Josh Hetherington, LMFT
May 1, 2018
Relationship Poker: The benefits of probabilistic thinking
Are you working on understanding your partner’s needs? Are you trying to be more attuned and connected with your partner? It may be...
Christine Webster, AMFT
Apr 8, 2018
Infidelity in Couples Therapy: Will we get over this?
Partners can be unfaithful for many reasons. In the recovery process, those reasons will be uncovered and processed to make sure the past...

Christine Webster, AMFT
Apr 8, 2018
Infidelity in Couples Therapy: Will We Get Over This?
Partners can be unfaithful for many reasons. In the recovery process, those reasons will be uncovered and processed to make sure the past...

Mar 21, 2018
Therapist Spotlight: Christine Webster, AMFT
CCRC is proud to periodically spotlight one of our staff therapists so as to give you a chance to get to know their unique qualities and...
Anikó Blake, LMFT
Mar 8, 2018
Conflict-Resolution and Resilience: “Can we try that again?”
When couples embark on therapy it is often to change patters of conflict that are wound so tightly responses can feel like ‘autopilot’....

Anikó Blake, LMFT
Mar 5, 2018
Conflict-Resolution and Resilience: “Can we try that again?”
When couples embark on therapy it is often to change patters of conflict that are wound so tightly responses can feel like ‘autopilot’....

Shira Galston, LMFT
Feb 1, 2018
How To Talk To Your "Workaholic" Partner
Many couples encounter difficulties when it comes to navigating work/life balance, especially when one or both partners has a...

Nosheen Hydari, LMFT
Jan 6, 2018
NEW YEAR, NEW YOU: 4 Steps to Making 2018 Yours
As we get further into adulthood, the markings of time become fewer and further between. We aren't in school any longer, and most years...

Dec 4, 2017
Therapist Spotlight: Anikó Blake, AMFT
NCRC is proud to periodically spotlight one of our staff therapists so as to give you a chance to get to know their unique qualities and...
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